Tuesday, November 17, 2009

C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.I.O.N (!)

COOOOOOOOOOKIE , i still find that you resemble a thief ^^
My beloved readers , let me introduce t you my previous dog .
This creature up there has a talent , she's capable of stealing heartsxz . Super sweety lai de
Bt sadly , she's no longer living in my house .
Due t my first old dog , ahgirl .
Know why? Cause once cookie moved in , this bytch had a depression .
So due t bobian-ess , She had t go & wif my mum's golden blue sister for 2weeks .
That bloody family's children was allergic t fur , so therefore my whole neighbourhood
yeah my mum knows th wholeneighbourhood .
Was helping cookie t find a new home , my dad found a home for him .
Readers , know why so randomly i'm posting for cookies even though it happened
some time ago?
cause i was thinking of th No-life loser , Therefore leading me t dogs .
Yes , i do hold grudges , so i removed her link from my blog .
YAAAAAAAA , She know me somemore , so eeyer right .
Want copy also copy People whom you dont know lah .
Booyah , I'M SADDIST ^^
Speaking of saddist , kenneth keep telling me i'm a saddist on th phone yesterday .
234973758645764 sorries haha .


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