Thursday, August 20, 2009

foolish thinkinqs .

hw dumb can i be , very dumb i quessed . aku can smoke , drink & thouqhts of suicide for you . i know it's stupid bt i just cant .
hmms wanted t see you today , left home damn early just t see you .
walked t sch , saw your room liqhts were off , thouqht that we din have fate no more .
saw jon & fauzie , turns out that you today no sch cuz you dont have paper .
pei jon t th busstop , took bus t sch instead of continue walkinq t sch .

reached sch , complained lots of thinq t chester , shawal & hafiz .
imrun's fuckinq bitch , everybody kept quiet then he ownself qo tell our form teacher that we pon assembly . puabyekia cans , neevr liked him when he transfered over .
bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , irritatinq idiot .

i never knew life's hard without you , i always thouqht that you're qonna pei me all th way .
so i took for qranted , i kb you everythinq & dont allow t smoke stuffs .
now ehen you're qone , it's time t repent ......
missed you , you raised me hiqh up & left me there .
baby , tell me you luv one more time .......


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